Institutional Best Practices


Best Practice 1

  1. Title of the Practice: CRT (Campus recruitment training programme)
  2. Objective of the Practice: To train the student and make them confident for various competitive examinations and campus interviews.
  3. The Context: By going much beyond the text books life skills are to be taught, mathematical skills are to be developed for the students of different background and aptitude.
  4. The practice: Still inclination towards the professional courses has strong social acceptance and some of the students who come for B.Sc. feel of dejected. To make them realize that every individual is unique and help them to be confident for seeking jobs is challenging.  
  5. Evidence of success: Many students have appreciated this unique programme. Many students have expressed that they have at least learnt what are life skills and the importance of them in day to day life.
  6. Problems encountered and Resources required: Ideally CRT course has to be of about 60 hours duration but due to other academic constraints, this course is restricted to 30-35 lectures.    

Best Practice 2

  1. Title of the practice:  Vermicomposting
  2. Objectives of the practice: To utilize (chemical-free) biodegradable waste of campus plants leaves, etc. to prepare an organic fertilizer.
  3. Context: Vermicomposting is the eco-friendly method of converting organic waste into nutrient rich fertilizer. Such fertilizers contain biologically active substances which help in healthy plant growth. It is an environment friendly process.
  4. The Practice:  Concrete vermicomposting unit was prepared in the campus. Garden waste of college and cow dung was procured and released into the unit. Earthworm species were released and unit was maintained until compost became ready. This practice was done to achieve the goals of pollution free environment, conservation of local earthworm biodiversity.
  5. Evidence of success: In 2020-21, about 330-350 kgs of vermicompost was produced from very small investment. About 50 kgs of this production was utilized in the garden and rest of the vermicompost was sold in 1 kg bags.  
  6. Problems encountered and resources required:
  7. It was difficult to maintain this unit in Nagpur summer (45-46οC) for two to three weeks. This year due to pandemic situation, involvement of students was not possible. Resources required are: Vermicomposting units with shade, large amount of plant wastes, and availability of water 
  8. Notes (optional): In addition to these best practices, the additional practices undertaken by the college are FDP, computer literacy programme for non-teaching staff, self-development for career development. The details of these activities have been mentioned at suitable places.